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2024 Legislative Recap

This session, we faced new setbacks, distractions, and risks from wealthy corporations and the politicians that put profits over people. Still, Oregonians came together to make sure politicians cared for our communities, prioritized housing and transportation, and supported working lands stewards.

A milestone for Oregon’s marine reserves

The land use system covers more than just our terrestrial borders – nearshore ocean resources are also protected under Goal 19. They’re about to get stronger if we can pass HB 4132.

2024 legislative overview

Oregon’s 2024 legislative short session began on February 5, lasting five weeks. Top on our agenda is housing, specifically ensuring that a housing bill passes that focuses on what matters: using an effective and efficient approach to building housing within existing UGBs, where people have access to the best quality of life possible.

Let’s build a winning future for Oregon

Help us protect Oregon’s unique land use planning program – and even more importantly, protect Oregon and Oregonians – for generations to come. Donate before the end of the year and you could win a picnic with alpacas in Bend.