Stay engaged with your legislators

The following three steps are the simplest ways for you to stay connected with your legislators.

1. Get acquainted with the senator and representative for your district. Oregon’s house has 60 representatives and 30 senators. You have 1 representative and 1 senator that represent your district and the issues that matter to your community.

2. Once you know who they are, subscribe to your legislators' email updates and follow them on social media. The Legislature’s website has a handy tool for signing up for legislative newsletters — but it can be tricky to find what you’re looking for. 

  • Visit this link and input your email address.

  • On the next page, to find your representative and senator, click on the boxes in the upper left-hand corners (with the '-' symbol) to expand the selection. Check the boxes you're interested in and subscribe to email updates! 

Stay connected graphic
  • Most legislators have Facebook pages and Twitter profiles. If you have an account, simply go to the search bar and type in their name. As an example, we’ve looked up the senator in the district of 1000 Friend’s Eugene office.

Legislative connect graphic 2

3. Monitor your emails for chances to take action and stay engaged. Your legislators will email you about town halls — which we encourage you to attend. Your voice truly makes a difference and they want to hear from you.

Since you’re already subscribed to our email list, we’ll send out action alerts, petitions and other opportunities for you to engage on important land use planning issues over the five-month-long legislative session (and beyond).