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The intersection of land use planning and LGBTQ+ history

October is LGBTQ+ History Month. This month marks a time to educate ourselves on the rich history of LGBTQ+ Oregonians, acknowledge historical and current discrimination, celebrate hard-won policy victories, and recommit our efforts to make Oregon a more inclusive place to live for us all.

What record-setting temperatures mean for Oregon's farmers

Oregon is known for its temperate weather, not the three-digit, record-setting temperatures we experienced at the end of June and into early July. Some parts of the state reached 117 degrees, not far from the average temperature of Death Valley, home of the world record for the highest temperature ever recorded.

Civic engagement needs to change. Here's what we're doing about it.

“[T]he problem for western civic societies is not so much defending against hostile and abusive use of technology. Instead, it’s failing to use technology to rediscover what democracy should be for the modern nation state: citizens participating personally in public debate and having meaningful say in policy decisions that affect them—without the distorting and corruptible role of legislative proxies or elitist agency officials.”