Protect the Oregon you love for future generations.

The 1000 Friends of Oregon Legacy Circle offers a unique opportunity to bring your philanthropic passions to life now and for years to come. By naming 1000 Friends of Oregon as a beneficiary of your will, trust, insurance policy, or retirement account, or by establishing a life-income gift, you will become a member of the Legacy Circle. This special group is recognized in publications and events throughout the year. For more information, contact us at (503) 497‑1000 or
You can give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind by creating a will. It’s easier than you may think and you can even use FreeWill, a free online service that will help you create your will using simple, online help tools.
If you have already included 1000 Friends of Oregon in your plans, please let us know so we can include you in special events for our Legacy Circle members.
Complete our Legacy Circle form
Scroll down for sample language you can use to include 1000 Friends in your will and to learn more about other types of planned gifts.

"Every day, the laws protecting Oregon’s public spaces and working lands are threatened by relentless pressure from those who would profit from bad development. I support 1000 Friends of Oregon because they are the only statewide organization helping Oregonians to fight these special interests at every turn, and I am including 1000 Friends in my estate plans so that they – and the Oregon I love – will continue long after I’ve departed." —Greg Macpherson, Legacy Circle member
Most popular ways to create a legacy
Wills and revocable trusts The easiest way to make an impact
A simple, flexible, and versatile way to support our work is to make a gift in your will or trust. A charitable gift can name a specific item, an amount of money, or a percentage of your estate. You can use the sample language below if you wish to name 1000 Friends of Oregon in your will:
Residual bequest: A popular choice for charitable bequests because it ensures that loved ones receive their distribution before any distribution to charity.
"I devise the residue of my estate, after the satisfaction of all specific bequests and the payment of all taxes and other costs attending my death, to 1000 Friends of Oregon, a not-for profit corporation, TAX I.D.93-0642086, with principal offices currently located at 340 SE 6th Ave Portland, OR 97214."
General/fixed dollar bequest: A stated sum of money, usually cash, to a beneficiary.
"I bequeath the sum of $____ dollars to 1000 Friends of Oregon, a not-for profit corporation, TAX I.D.93-0642086, with principal offices currently located at 340 SE 6th Ave Portland, OR 97214."
Percentage bequest: Enables your bequests to grow as your assets grow.
"I bequeath to 1000 Friends of Oregon, a not-for profit corporation, TAX I.D.93-0642086, with principal offices currently located at 340 SE 6th Ave Portland, OR 97214 an amount equal to ______ percent of the net value of my estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes."
Contingent bequest: Assumes you want to leave your entire estate to family and friends. However, in the event that you outlive any of your beneficiaries, it provides an opportunity to designate 1000 Friends of Oregon to receive that portion of the estate.
"In the event that (name of the beneficiary) does not survive me, I designate 1000 Friends of Oregon, a not-for profit corporation, TAX I.D.93-0642086, with principal offices currently located at 340 SE 6th Ave Portland, OR 97214 as the devisee of this bequest of (see above for language specific to different types of bequests.)"
Beneficiary designations Continue supporting our work after your lifetime
Passionate about supporting 1000 Friends of Oregon? It’s easy to do with a beneficiary designation. Just name 1000 Friends as a beneficiary of your retirement plans and life insurance policies. You can name a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the account. Beneficiary designation forms can usually be accessed online through your providers, which allows you to update your designations over time without needing to change your will or trust.
IRA charitable rollover A tax-saving way to help 1000 Friends of Oregon
If you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit 1000 Friends of Oregon and receive tax benefits in return. You can give up to $100,000 from your IRA annually directly to a qualified charity such as 1000 Friends without having to pay income taxes on the money. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions. If you have not yet taken your required minimum distribution for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement.
Charitable gift annuities Turn your generosity into lifetime income
When you look to advance 1000 Friends of Oregon’s important work, you don’t need to choose between your philanthropic goals and financial security. One gift that allows you to support our work while receiving fixed payments for life is a charitable gift annuity. Not only does this gift provide you with regular payments of income and allow us to further our work, but when you create a charitable gift annuity with 1000 Friends of Oregon you receive an immediate income tax deduction.
Charitable remainder trusts Discover a gift that is truly win-win
If you have built up a sizable estate and are also looking for ways to receive reliable payments, you should consider a charitable remainder trust. Benefits of a charitable remainder trust include an immediate charitable income tax deduction, lifetime payments of income, and possible deferral of capital gain recognition. There are two ways to receive payments with charitable remainder trusts. The annuity trust pays you, each year, the same dollar amount you choose at the start. Your payments stay the same, regardless of fluctuations in trust investments. The unitrust pays you, each year, a variable amount based on a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the trust assets as measured each year. With a unitrust, if the value of the trust increases, so do your payments. If the value decreases, however, so will your payments. At the termination of the charitable remainder trust, all of the remaining assets will be distributed to 1000 Friends of Oregon to support our work.
Charitable lead trusts Provide for your family’s future while supporting charity
Do you want to benefit from the tax savings that result from supporting 1000 Friends of Oregon, yet you don’t want to give up any assets that you’d like your family to receive someday? You can have it both ways with a charitable lead trust. There are two ways charitable lead trusts make payments. A charitable lead annuity trust pays a fixed amount each year to 1000 Friends of Oregon and is more attractive when interest rates are low. A charitable lead unitrust pays a variable amount each year based on the value of the assets in the trust. With a unitrust, if the trust’s assets go up in value, for example, the payments to 1000 Friends of Oregon go up as well. At the termination of the charitable lead trust, the assets remaining in the trust may be distributed back to your family members.
Donor advised funds A tax-effective way to invest now in your future giving
Are you looking for an easy, cost-effective way to support 1000 Friends of Oregon and other causes you love? A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, may be the right choice for you. Here’s how it works. You transfer cash or other assets to a tax-exempt sponsoring organization, such as The Oregon Community Foundation, to establish your donor advised fund and qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction for the full amount of your contribution. Once your fund is established, you can recommend how much and how often money is granted to 1000 Friends or other charities. You have the power to make recommendations on which charities to support whenever you want. You centralize your giving and record-keeping in one location. And maybe best of all, you can start a legacy of giving by letting your children help decide which grants to recommend.
Make it official
Download and complete this form to let us know you have included us in your estate plan.
Ready to talk about joining the 1000 Friends of Oregon Legacy Circle?
Contact (503) 497-1000 or to have a personal conversation about how your planned gifts can make a difference for Oregon and for 1000 Friends.
Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor – we’re happy to make a referral.
Be sure to use our legal name, physical mailing address, and federal tax ID on any estate-planning documents:
Legal Name: 1000 Friends of Oregon
Address: 340 SE 6th Ave Portland, OR 97214
Federal Tax ID Number: 93-0642086
Make it official! Please notify us if you have already arranged for a bequest or other planned gift by submitting our Legacy Circle form. We would love to be able to recognize your support!