Our impact

We litigate cases to enforce and uphold the land use planning system. In coordination with local organizations that we serve through our affiliate program and our Cooperating Attorney Program, our staff attorneys also provide pro bono legal resources and representation to Oregonians in land use cases consistent with our mission. 

Redside Restoration Project One v. Deschutes County (Land Use Board of Appeals)

For the second time in as many years, 1000 Friends of Oregon has appealed Deschutes County's decision to rezone a 710-acre tract of agricultural land for a 70+ home subdivision in the middle of the county's exclusive farm use zone – about 4 and a half miles northwest of Redmond and about 5 miles west of Terrebonne. In the first appeal, the Oregon Court of Appeals agreed with 1000 Friends' argument that the county had failed to demonstrate the rezoning complied with Goal 3's requirements for the protection of agricultural land and affirmed LUBA's remand to the county. On remand, the county again approved the 710-acre rezoning over the objections of local ranchers, vineyard owners, and other interested parties.1000 Friends has joined in the appeal brought by local ranchers and vintners, Central Oregon LandWatch, and other local parties to argue that the rezoning still fails to comply with Goal 3's requirements for the protection of agricultural land. 

Case name: Eden Central II
Status: Currently before the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals
Counsel: Blair Batson representing 1000 Friends of Oregon

1000 Friends of Oregon v. City of Hillsboro (Land Use Board of Appeals)

1000 Friends of Oregon appeals the City of Hillsboro’s most recent Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA), which relies on unrealistic and unfounded expectations of growth at the expense of other nearby cities in the Portland metro area.

Case name: City of Hillsboro EOA
Status: Awaiting record
Counsel: Andrew Mulkey on behalf of 1000 Friends of Oregon

1000 Friends of Oregon et al. v. City of North Plains (Land Use Board of Appeals)

1000 Friends of Oregon and Nellie McAdams have appealed the City of North Plains’ Housing Needs Analysis (HNA), which relies on outdated population-growth estimates. 

Case name: City of North Plains HNA
Status: Awaiting record
Counsel: 1000 Friends is represented by Andrew Mulkey

Friends of Yamhill County v. Yamhill County (Oregon Supreme Court) 

At the Court of Appeals, 1000 Friends of Oregon successfully overturned a LUBA decision that would have allowed an applicant for a dwelling to construct any type of building pursuant to a land use approval for a farm dwelling – even commercial or industrial buildings – so long as the resulting structure could be used as a long-term residence. In this case, the applicant seeks to construct a hotel – designed to the standards that appear in the state’s commercial building code – pursuant to a prior land use permit that authorized the applicant to establish a “primary farm dwelling customarily provided in conjunction with farm use.” The local code also defines the term “dwelling” as a “single-family dwelling,” and specifically excludes buildings such as hotels and motels from its definition. The applicant petitioned the Supreme Court for review, and the Supreme Court accepted review. 

Case name: Grange Hill
Status: Awaiting decision by the Oregon Supreme Court
Counsel: Andrew Mulkey for Friends of Yamhill County