Farmland protection


We work with rural communities across Oregon to help people who do not readily have access to the resources needed to interact fully and effectively with the land use system. We litigate cases locally and throughout the appeals process to enforce and uphold that system, craft and promote farm and forest preservation policies, provide technical assistance with land use planning matters, and find creative solutions to support our rural economy.

In coordination with our regional affiliate network and our Cooperating Attorney Program, our rural lands attorneys provide pro bono legal resources and representation to rural Oregonians where land use matters are concerned. Often these cases come to us through our Forestry and Agriculture Advisory Committee or our affiliate network of regional land use advocacy groups, which serve as our eyes and ears on the ground, monitoring for cases of irresponsible land use and engaging in the public processes to advocate for smart planning.

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More on our farmland work
Scenic area near Port Westward at Clatskanie, Oregon (photo credit Alex Milan Tracy)
Press Release | Local Farmer, Columbia Riverkeeper, and 1000 Friends of Oregon Challenge Rail Yard for Proposed Diesel Refinery

The latest development in a longtime issue: In July 2024, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Columbia Riverkeeper, and mint farmer Mike Seely appealed two land use permits for a rail yard associated with NEXT Renewables’ proposed non-conventional diesel refinery at Port Westward.

A person crouches down in a row of many-colored crops
What we lose when we sprawl

A small farm outside North Plains enters the battle over boundary expansions.

Liquid of an unnatural green fills the pit that sits next to actively farmed orchards
Egregious, illegal dump site on farmland thwarted

Strong will, bright minds, a dedicated community, and committed leaders get together to stop a brazen environmental violation in French Prairie.

Aerial image of the land in the Eden Central case
Appeals court ruling in Deschutes County prevents fracturing farmland

The county had rezoned 710 acres of rangeland for sprawling residential development, potentially impacting the farmability of nearby land in violation of state land use law.

Millersburg land swap rejected
Millersburg farmers fight harmful land swap

In a testament to citizen activism, farmers scored an important victory on the path to stopping a harmful land swap that would bring 163 acres of prime farmland into the Millersburg Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in exchange for a 167.46-acre tract of industrially zoned land that would be removed from the UGB.

Barn in Clackamas County
Court of Appeals rules against short-term rentals on Clackamas County farm and forest land

The Oregon Court of Appeals recently ruled that short-term rentals are not allowed on farm or forest land without a permit. This is a big win for 1000 Friends and a big win for farmers.



The voice of Oregon’s working lands

Our Forestry and Agriculture Advisory Committee (FAAC) assists us in ensuring that Oregon maintains the land needed for future generations of farmers, foresters, and ranchers. The FAAC provides simple, effective opportunities to preserve the essential land use planning program and to make improvements that benefit you and your business. Membership is voluntary and free.