The latest

That Oregon Inspiration

As we head into 2020, our Executive Director Russ Hoeflich reflects on all that we've accomplished together in 2019.

The State of Oregon’s Housing

1000 Friends of Oregon has often been asked why we’re involved in housing issues. To many, 1000 Friends’ leadership on housing issues seems new — but that’s not the case. There are at least three responses to the question:

PRESS RELEASE: Airport expansion faces new legal challenge by cities, farmers, and land use organizations

A coalition including the cities of Wilsonville and Aurora filed appeals with the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) over the highly contested Aurora State Airport Master Plan, approved by the Oregon Aviation Department’s (ODA) board in late October. The airport is located outside of an urban growth boundary and wants to expand its runway over prime farmland with protected Exclusive Farm Use zoning to accommodate large luxury corporate jets.