The latest

Civic engagement needs to change. Here's what we're doing about it.

“[T]he problem for western civic societies is not so much defending against hostile and abusive use of technology. Instead, it’s failing to use technology to rediscover what democracy should be for the modern nation state: citizens participating personally in public debate and having meaningful say in policy decisions that affect them—without the distorting and corruptible role of legislative proxies or elitist agency officials.”

Our legislative wildfire wrap-up | SB 762

On the final day of the 2021 legislative session, the legislature passed Oregon’s first comprehensive wildfire preparedness and resiliency bill, Senate Bill 762.

2021 legislative recap

Oregon's 2021 Legislative Session was one for the history books. Not only was it the first all-remote session, but between authoring and introducing three bills, advocating for over 50 others, and monitoring a list of over 200 pieces of legislation, we had our hands full.

5 takeaways from an 8-year land use saga

We're still celebrating the definitive win for Hood River residents that came with the state Land Use Board of Appeals' (LUBA) unanimous decision to overturn the Hood River County Commission’s fourth extension of the DeeTour amphitheater development permit. Thrive Hood River's victory in the appeal effectively ends the 8-year threat posed by this ill-conceived large-scale concert venue sited on the banks of the East Fork of the Hood River. 

A new chapter at 1000 Friends

After nearly 40 years leading nonprofit environmental and conservation efforts, including the last four years at the helm of 1000 Friends of Oregon, our Executive Director Russ Hoeflich will be retiring July 1, 2021.

Honoring Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The month of May is recognized as Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. AAPI Heritage Month marks a time to acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of our AAPI communities to the United States and beyond.

2021 mid-session update

It’s been only three months since Oregon’s 2021 Legislative Session began, and we’ve had our work cut out for us. Here are a few of our accomplishments so far.