The latest

Grassroots efforts saved 163 acres of Linn County farmland

Advocacy from the Linn County community helped preserve a tract of prime farmland, saving it from becoming industrial land as part of a land swap proposed by the City of Millersburg. Local public efforts ensured that this land remained outside the UGB as farmland, instead of forever losing acres of rich soil that feed our state.

HB 2001 gets us back on the housing track

The Oregon legislature took a momentous step toward making sure that every Oregonian has the opportunity for accessible, affordable housing choices in every community. We will need you to share your support for HB 2001 as it continues to move through the legislature.

UPDATED | Senate Bill 4: We can welcome semiconductors AND protect lands

A win-win is possible for semiconductor expansion applications and Oregon’s farms, forests, and watersheds. But the window of opportunity closes in two months—our state must act now! Since the introduction of Senate Bill 4 (SB 4)—which focuses, in part, on ways to support the expansion of the semiconductor industry’s footprint in Oregon—1000 Friends, local land use groups, and hundreds of Oregonians have urged the State’s Joint Committee on Semiconductors to act fast and strategically to meet the May 2023 application deadline.

Our 2023 Legislative Overview

The 2023 Oregon Legislative session got off to a fast start on January 17, with approximately 2000 bills filed. 1000 Friends is following about 150 that relate to land use, working to pass bills that will lead the land use planning program into the next 50 years, including on housing for all, using land use tools to address climate change, supporting local farmers, and reforming transportation spending to provide more ways for more people to get around.

We will need you to be successful! Read more about what we're tackling and how you can help!

Oregon’s tech: Where could it land?

Last month, 1000 Friends of Oregon and Save Helvetia hosted a community panel and discussion on “Oregon’s Tech: Where Could it Land?” at the stunning Ponzi Vineyards fireplace room in Washington County. We heard from panelists about the work of the Oregon Semiconductor Competitiveness Task Force, and problems and solutions around one of the Task Force’s focuses: industrial land availability and readiness. Panelists sparked a lively conversation about challenges and opportunities to position Oregon as a competitive state for investments in chip manufacturing, research, and development authorized under the federal CHIPS and Science Act 2022. 

Millersburg farmers fight harmful land swap

In a great testament to citizen activism, farmers scored an important victory on the path to stopping a harmful land swap that would bring 163 acres of prime farmland into the Millersburg Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in exchange for a 167.46-acre tract of industrially-zoned land that would be removed from the UGB.