Portland Climate Investment Plan passed
The Climate Investment Plan represents a unique opportunity for Portland to fund climate action equitably. Its comprehensive set of investments is designed to reduce carbon emissions, help vulnerable communities adapt to climate change, and center equity. This new investment in climate mitigation is possible through the CIP thanks to excess from the Portland Clean Energy Fund.
LEGAL WIN | LUBA rejects Hillsboro's inflated growth projections
Their projections could have allowed them to seek an unwarranted UGB expansion and threaten valuable surrounding farmland. The ruling is a win for the careful way we set our urban growth boundaries so that our communities don’t sprawl onto the irreplaceable lands that feed our region and support our economy.
Two staff promotions celebrating our land use advocates Greg and Brett!
These promotions recognize years of hard work, dedication, and ongoing commitment to a strong and healthy land use planning program. Greg will now be our Working Lands Director, and Brett will fill the role of Transportation Director and Legislative Manager. Please join us in congratulating Brett and Greg, and read on to learn what these changes mean for us at 1000 Friends.
Despite concerns, $1 billion in general funds allocated to Interstate Bridge replacement
Oregon lawmakers passed significant funding for the I-5 Bridge Replacement Program, diverting general fund dollars that support critical programs like higher education and affordable housing. While we support replacing the bridge with a seismically safe structure that expands transportation options, the funding passed at the end of session creates just as many questions as answers.